




转录后基因沉默(PTGS, post- transcriptional gene silencing)-最初被认为仅限于矮牵牛花和其它一些植物中的奇异现象,是目前分子生物学研究中一个最热门的话题。过去几年中,科研工作者已明确转录后基因沉默现象普遍存在于动、植物中,在机体防御病毒入侵和转座子沉默效应中起着重要作用。但是最激动人心的是转录后基因沉默现象的技术应用,即在多种有机体中应用核糖核酸干扰(RNA interfere ,RNAi)技术进行特异性的基因剔除以研究相应的基因功能。那么核糖核酸干扰现象是如何被发现?它是怎样工作的?科研工作者怎样把它应用到功能基因组学的研究中呢?
10多年前,Rich Jorgensan和他的同事在矮牵牛花中发现一种奇怪的现象。他们尝试把由一强有力启动子控制的基因pigment-proing导入矮牵牛花以加深花的紫色,结果不但颜色未加深,许多花呈现杂色甚至白色。Rich Jorgensan把这种现象称为共抑制,因为外源性导入基因和内源性具有相似功能基因的表达都被抑制了。当时人们不知道这是一种转录后基因沉默。
那么核糖核酸干扰(RNAi)是怎样工作的呢?首先外源导入的双链核糖核酸(dsRNA)被切割为21~23nt的小分子干扰核糖核酸(siRNA)。Dicer, 作为特异性核糖核酸酶家族的一个成员,切割双链核糖核酸为19~23nt小分子干扰核糖核酸(siRNA),这是一个依赖ATP的耗能过程. 切割后的 siRNA具有3'两个核苷酸TT突出末端。然后siRNA结合到核糖核酸酶复合物上形成RNA诱导的基因沉默复合体(RISC,RNA-inced silencing complex)。该复合体依赖ATP释能而解聚siRNA双链成单链以激活RISC。活化的RISC通过由siRNA决定的碱基互补配对原理切割具有同源序列的基因转录体,最终导致基因沉默效应。2012年前具体的切割机制还不明了,研究表明每个RISC包括单链siRNA和核糖核酸酶RNase。.
siRNA也可以通过体外转录获取。它相对便宜,尤其适合于同时合成多个siRNA。虽然理论上说,任何一个具有3'两个核苷酸TT突出末端的19~23nt小分子干扰核糖核酸 siRNA都具备序列特异性的基因沉默效应,但是由于位置效应,比如某些序列,尤其是*序列易被蛋白质附着而阻止RISC的抑制效应,所以科研工作者首先合成2~4个siRNA进行预实验以选定作用最佳者。RNA专家Ambion公司提供通过体外转录获取siRNA的商品化试剂盒,使这一选择过程简单方便。
2012年外源注射和转染是转运siRNA到细胞或机体的主要途经,之后基因沉默效应可以持续数天,同时传至下一代细胞,但终将短时间内消失,因此,2012年许多科研小组开发了siRNA的表达质粒,通过瞬时转染或稳定转染以达到在细胞内不断表达siRNA的目的。有些质粒是表达小发夹结构RNAs(shRNAs, small hairpin RNAs), 在细胞内它被加工处理为siRNA样分子,诱导基因沉默。该质粒是在polyMeraseⅢ启动子和4~5个碱基T转录终止信号中插入shRAN。由于polyMeraseⅢ的特性,转录常常在第二个T终止,插入序列折叠成step-loop结构并带有3'-UU突出末端。该质粒设计是基于线虫、果蝇等中的实验结果,因为其中的基因沉默效应就是通过step-loop而诱导。另外一种siRNA表达质粒是把编码正义和反义的siRNA分别受控于各自的polyMeraseⅢ启动子。两种质粒的基因沉默效应相当。Invivogen公司和Imgenex公司都有操作简单、作用有效的商品化试剂盒提供。而Gene Therapy System 公司的siRNA构建试剂盒则完全采用了不同的机制。该试剂盒首先PCR合成目标序列,然后由T7RNA多聚酶进行体外转录,经退火和纯化处理的体外转录dsRNA模板被重组的Dicer酶切割,从而快速、高效地产生大量小分子干扰RNA(siRNAs)。产生的siRNAs混合物,比单一形式的siRNA更可能导致基因表达沉默。
基于2001年-2013年的发表文献和一些实验经验,siRNA的设计可遵循以下几点进行1)选择以碱基A或G开始的19~21nt大小的目的mRNA。因为RNA polyMeraseⅢ启动子只有在第一个转录碱基是嘌呤时才能有效作用。2)针对目的mRNA一般选择2~4个不同序列,GC含量为30~50%,避免四个碱基T或A的连续序列,避免选择起始密码下游50~100nt、终止密码上游100nt以及5'和3'的非编码区域,BLAST检查设计序列的特异性。3)设计适当的实验对照,比如设计有1~2个碱基错配的序列,或者是随机变更siRNA的碱基排列顺序。
10 May 2005
Human RNA silences viral DNA
RNA silencing can defend against viruses in humans, French scientists report in this week's Science. Surprisingly, say the scientists, microRNA (miRNA) appears to form the basis of this system. MiRNAs were thought to be involved in the regulation of endogenous genes, whereas exogenous RNAs, in particular viral RNAs, were thought to be regulated by siRNA [small interfering RNA], lead author Charles-Henri Lecellier at the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology in Strasbourg, France, told The Scientist.
Prior studies have revealed that RNA interference can destroy viruses in plants and insects, but a similar role in vertebrates has not been demonstrated. Since RNA silencing can suppress endogenous retroviruses from mobilizing in plants, yeast, worms, and flies, Lecellier and colleagues reasoned that retrotransposition of mammalian exogenous viruses might also prove vulnerable. They chose as their model system the primate foamy virus type 1, a retrovirus akin to HIV.
PFV-1 accumulation in cultured human embryonic kidney cells was strongly enhanced by the expression of the P19 silencing suppressor, suggesting that a siRNA or miRNA pathway limited PFV-1 replication in human cells, because P19 specifically binds to and inactivates both. To identify the target and means of human RNA silencing, the investigators fused viral sequences spanning the PFV-1 genome to a green fluorescent protein (GFP)–tagged reporter gene into constructs cotransfected with PFV-1 into baby hamster kidney cells. Northern and Western analysis revealed GFP levels from construct F11 were disproportionately reced compared to F11 mRNA accumulation, which reminded researchers of miRNA translational inhibition. The DIANA-microT algorithm revealed a high probability match between the F11 sequence and the human miR-32.
Further studies demonstrated miR-32 silencing was suppressed in P19-expressing cells. Also, anti-miR-32 locked nucleic acid oligonucleotide almost doubled progeny virus proction, unlike anti-miR-23, suggesting miR-32 has a direct, sequence-specific antiviral effect. In plants and insects, all viruses targeted by RNA interference encode proteins that suppress RNA silencing. Further studies found that in PFV-1, Tas, a viral transactivator, was that protein.
In Arabidopsis, transgenic Tas expression strongly decreased siRNAs and led to developmental anomalies reminiscent of those elicited by suppressors interfering with miRNA functions, such as leaf elongation and serration, suggesting Tas suppresses a fundamental step conserved from plants to mammals shared between the miRNA and siRNA pathways. Like Tas, another protein, AC2, encoded by the DNA plant viruses, geminiviruses, is a viral transactivator that can suppress RNA silencing. We want to investigate whether transactivation and suppression are linked or completely separate, Lecellier said.
Researchers currently think each cell type harbors its own specific miRNA repertoire, Lecellier said. This idea could partially explain some of the differences in viral permissivity observed between specific tissues, he said, with viruses preferentially replicating in cell types where antiviral miRNAs are not expressed or are only weakly expressed.
A miRNA response could also lead to the emergence of viral quasispecies, as viruses that can rapidly introce synonymous mutations into their genomes, such as HIV or influenza, do so to evade silencing by miRNA. The emergence of quasispecies is important for resistance to antiviral strategies, so studying this miRNA response could be important for studying resistance, Lecellier said.
The team saw no evidence that human cells used siRNAs to disable viruses. So it'd be interesting to investigate whether or not mammals have lost the ability to respond to viruses using siRNAs because they have a more advanced immune system than plants and flies and worms, said Phillip Zamore at the University of Massachusetts, who did not participate in this study. It was uncertain whether the miRNAs were part of a dedicated antiviral response or whether they accidentally silenced viral RNA, he said. It'd be interesting to see whether expression of miRNAs are vastly upregulated in viral infection, he told The Scientist.
Future directions should involve testing any of the several hundred human microRNAs against viruses such as HIV and influenza, said Shou-Wei Ding at the University of California at Riverside, who did not participate in this study. Also, they studied this in cell culture, and it'd be interesting to look at this at the whole animal level, Ding told The Scientist.
The Scientist
May 10, 2005
Original web page at BioMed Central
