the hospital emergency treatment and hospital stay of local residents joining in health care are paid by health care department with the indivial payment 100% compensation, no under the cap; for the nonpaticipant, indivial payment can receive 50% compensation fitting in with local health care, no under the cap, for the trustee fee 50RMB maximum compensation.
parturition fitting in with maternity insurence and parturition surpassing health care quota receive 100% compensation
Attend local residents by medical insurance plan as a whole the object has to pay the outpatient emergency care in hospital and the charge, indivial conceit part payment, pay not 100% crest, Do not attend local residents of sleeper, compliance with local medical insurance payment within indivial conceit of 50%, pay not crest, Torre fee monthly payment of the highest 50 yuan.
Birth insurance range proction checks and childbirth beyond birth medical treatment charge gives pay above fixed subsidies to 100%
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