用这几个短语造句 高分!!!(句子越长越好,并翻译)





1 Take my family as an example.My wife and I received English ecation

Take the hard disk drive as an example,it's a very important tool for computer use
Iii.Case Studies ---Take Wenzhou City as an Example

We often take water waves as an example to illustrat the radio waves.

There are many problems with this system. Take the software as an example the
Take an onboard radar for example.
Take our company for an example.

Let me take an incident that happened last semester as an example.
2 I am fat in comparison with him.

However, their minds were very simple in comparison.

He is rather ll in comparison with others.

He is quite tall in comparison with his classmates.

The calm before a storm is nothing in comparison.

That old airplane was slow in comparison with today's jets.

Are we stronger or weaker in comparison to the last season ?

Living in the country is cheap in comparison with the big cities.

The earth is small in comparison with the sun.

A train is slow in comparison with a plane.
3 1) Even the women folk are honored with the same honorific title of "Elder Brother", in the same manner as their husbands are addressed. This is a custom among their nobility. 女人跟着丈夫的尊称而系以哥字,也是他们贵族的通例。

(2) "they shall be deemed to be of the tonnage denoted in their respective certificates of registry or other national papers, in the same manner, to the same extent," 即以同样方式、在同样程度上及为同样目的而被当作具有其注册证明书或其他国家文件上所示的吨位

(3) Attune yourself almost in the same manner as you would tune a violin for harmony. 与你给一把小提琴调音几乎一样地来调谐你自己。

(4) Any exception, derogations or changes in or from the rules concerning licensing proceres or the list of procts subject to import licensing shall also be published in the same manner and within the same time periods as specified above 对于有关许可程序的规则或受进口许可*的产品清单的任何例外、减损或变更,也应以同样方式在上述相同时限内予以公布。

(5) He had shown that scrapie, kuru and CJD could all spread and kill in the same manner 他已证明scrapie、库鲁病和CJD症全都以同样的方式传播和致死病人。
4 Conversely,the poverty serves to further aggravate such gender inequality. 而贫困进一步加剧了健康方面的性别不平等。

(2) Conversely ,this has further aggravated the unbalanced distribution of resources . 这又反过来进一步加剧了资源分布的不均衡。

(3) Conversely, a waveform can not be specified without these three quantities 反之,不知道这3个量就不可能确定一个波形。

(4) Conversely, people who fail usually decide slowly and change their minds frequently. 相反,失败者通常是抉择缓慢,想法改变却频繁。

(5) Conversely, the Absolut Vodka bottle design was universally panned in focus groups. 反到是绝对伏特加的酒瓶设计由于它针对于广泛的人群而取得了成功。

(6) Conversely, the will to mayhem weakens nobody has ever worried about a Long Hot Autumn. 而相反,戕害的愿望更弱:谁也不会担心有一个漫长而炎热的秋天。

(7) Conversely, some people who are successful language learners find it difficult to succeed in other fields. 有些人学习语言方面很成功,可是却发现要在其他专业领域取得成就确非易事。

(8) Conversely, some people who are successful lanlguage learners find it difficult to succeed in other fields. 相反,有人学语言学得好,可要在别的专业领域取得成功也十分困难。

(9) Conversely, some “collective” or “state” enterprises operate in ways indistinguishable from the private interests of their bosses. 相反,一些“共有”或者“国有”企业却在它们领导的私人利益指引下运行。

(10) Conversely, an expansion is accompanied by a temperature decrease unless heat is added. 反之,如果膨胀时不供给热量,流体的温度就要降低。
5 1) I have a little difficulty comprehending the whole picture nevertheless. 她写道当她和她心上人在一起的时候,甚至希望时间能够凝固。

(2) Children who are illegitimate can nevertheless inherit from their parents. 然而私生子能从他们父母那里继承遗产。

(3) "I don't know," she answered, pleased, nevertheless, beyond all concealment. “这我就不知道了,"她回答道,可是却掩饰不住内心的喜悦。

(4) There are, nevertheless, two men for whom Chelsea cannot buy replacements. 然而,有两个人是切尔西没法购买替代者的。

(5) "I won't," said Carrie, who was, nevertheless, complying against her will. “我不愿意,"嘉莉说,可是她还是违心地坐了下来。

(6) "Maybe the tortoise is right. But nevertheless, her answer seems incomplete. . ." "也许乌龟是对的,但她的答案好像不完全。"

(7) Nevertheless, the President remained calm. 然而不幸地,*六十八年十二月发生高雄暴力事件。 但这并未影响蒋总统追求民主的决心。

(8) Nevertheless, reform Judaism does not follow these restrictions. 不过,犹太教的改革派却不受这些清规戒律的约束。

(9) Nevertheless, pancreatic retransplantation should be considered in selected patients. 因此,需要挑选合适的患者行胰腺再次移植。

(10) Nevertheless, the software community was upbeat about Wednesday's news 无论如何,软件开发者社区对周三的新闻感到乐观。
1) Contrast sensitivity was assessed with the small letter contrast test(SLCT),a chart comprised of letters of constant size(20/25) which decrease in contrast,by row,from a clearly visible level at the top,to threshold levels at the bottom. SLCT是由几行大小不变(20/25),但对比度逐渐降低的字母组成的对比敏感度表。

(2) Introce a sort of contrast intensification technology based on fuzzy logic鍎 and compare with traditional way in the same time鍎 It could be used widely in contrast intensification fields. 介绍了基于模糊逻辑的图像对比度增强技术,并与传统的增强方法进行了比较。 此法广泛适用于多种目的的图像对比度增强过程。

(3) Apply the filter now:Filter -Blur -Smart Blurand distort the head shape, applyingEdit -Transform -Perspective. Make the layer look more in contrast:Image -Adjustments -Brightness/Contrast. 点击滤镜-模糊-特殊模糊,并将脸进行扭曲,点击编辑-变换-透视变换。增强一下图片的对比度(图像-调整-亮度/对比度)。

(4) In vitro study showed that this technique improves the agent to tissue contrast by 3 to 10 dB as compared with the harmonic technique. A factor up to 16 dB in contrast gained can be achieved when compared with the broadband conventional Doppler technique. Contrast improvement is thus made possible for imaging of blood flow in microvasculature with high clutter tissues. 实验证明,该技术检测的造影剂/线性媒质对比度高于采用相同发射脉冲数的谐波技术3~10dB,宽带条件下该技术比常规多普勒技术的对比度最多可提高16dB,适合于在静止或运动的线性组织杂波背景下,对含有非线性造影剂的中小血管血流进行测量与成像.

(5) A functional MR technique was used in which a bolus of gadoteridol contrast agent was injected rapidly ring the collection of image data, resulting in contrast-inced signal loss in proportion to cerebral blood volume. 功能磁共振技术,即在成像收集数据的过程中快速注射一支造影剂,可测试脑血容量分配中对比感应信号的遗失。
1) In Newton's theory on the contrary, only big steps connecting distant events are permissible. 与此相反,牛顿的理论只允许用大梯阶量联系远距离事件。

(2) No, on the contrary, I consider it to be a nice change after work. 不。正好相反,我倒认为它可以使我们在工作后放松一下。

(3) This did not seem to discompose him; on the contrary, he looked rather amused. 但这似乎并没有让斯内普感到局促不安,他好像觉得这挺好笑的。

(4) Mrs. Hurstwood, on the contrary, had decided not to lose her advantage by inaction 反之,赫斯渥太太却决不肯坐失良机。

(5) It does not seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it's rather beautiful. 我并不觉得它丑,恰恰相反,我认为它相当美。
He can also express that in more difficult language
Can you put (explain) that in simpler words?
What let his opponent down, according to Leslie Zebrowitz, a psychologist at Brandeis University and Joann Montepare of Emerson College, was his " neotenous[7] facial anatomy" or, to put it more simply, his "babyface". 布兰德斯大学心理学家莱斯利 "泽布罗维茨和埃默森学院的乔安 "蒙特帕里认为,费恩格德的对手之所以落败,是因为他“稚气未脱的面部特征”,或者说的直接一点就是“他长了一副娃娃脸”。
To put it more simply, the earth is a small planet.

To put it more simply: a dollar should buy the same everywhere.


To take... as an example
To take Smith learn how to play guitar as an example.
in comparison
This book is funny and easy to understand in comparison.
in the same manner
Heat may travel in the same manner as light does.
Everybody suggest him to do a teacher, but he didn’t choose that career conversely.
We can't act on your advice. Nevertheless, thank you for giving it.
in contrast
In contrast,Americans tend to spend more than they have.
on the contrary
Onthe contrary, the club gathers every month.
in more difficult language
It take him three years to design the bradge, how hard it is in more difficult language
in simpler words
More and more people is busy for buying a house, they are slaves of house in simpler words
put it more simply
We never attend the conference, put it more simply that we thought it’s waste time.


To take... as an example
To take Smith learn how to play guitar as an example.
in comparison
This book is funny and easy to understand in comparison.
in the same manner
Heat may travel in the same manner as light does.
Everybody suggest him to do a teacher, but he didn’t choose that career conversely.
We can't act on your advice. Nevertheless, thank you for giving it.
in contrast
In contrast,Americans tend to spend more than they have.
on the contrary
Onthe contrary, the club gathers every month.
in more difficult language
It take him three years to design the bradge, how hard it is in more difficult language
in simpler words
More and more people is busy for buying a house, they are slaves of house in simpler words
越来越多的人都在为买房而忙碌,简单来说他们都是房奴。(5) "I won't," said Carrie, who was, nevertheless, complying against her will. “我不愿意,"嘉莉说,可是她还是违心地坐了下来。

(6) "Maybe the tortoise is right. But nevertheless, her answer seems incomplete. . ." "也许乌龟是对的,但她的答案好像不完全。"

(7) Nevertheless, the President remained calm. 然而不幸地,*六十八年十二月发生高雄暴力事件。 但这并未影响蒋总统追求民主的决心。

(8) Nevertheless, reform Judaism does not follow these restrictions. 不过,犹太教的改革派却不受这些清规戒律的约束。

(9) Nevertheless, pancreatic retransplantation should be considered in selected patients. 因此,需要挑选合适的患者行胰腺再次移植。

(10) Nevertheless, the software community was upbeat about Wednesday's news 无论如何,软件开发者社区对周三的新闻感到乐观。


1.To take Hellon as an example,blindness is sometimes quite an exciting experience.
2.In comparison with other countries' colleges,American colleges are pretty typical of freedom and seeking for excellence.
3.He hate stereotypes and donot like tackle things in the same manner.
