




the first thing i do when i get up is to reach for my mobile phone. i don't check "moments" on my WeChat, nor do i browse "Micro Blogs". i open my app for Air Quality. this will dictate what i do today and how i do it.

today's air quality is excellent! blue skies, gentle autumn breeze and bright sunshine. what a wonderful fall day in beijing. i only wish everyday is like today, i.e. clearn air. but in beijing, breathing clean air is line winning the lottery. it's a crapshoot.

why? because people are too selfish. by that i mean everyone, including myself, i guess. people drive to work, burn coal to warm their rooms, burn garbage because it's too much trouble to dispose it any other way, factories need to open, planes need to fly. we all need to get a better life. at the cost of clean air.

there is really no quick fix for this, except the government will need to shape up. no matter how rich and powerful the officials are, they have to breathe the same air. government policies and regulations are the only solutions to get us out of this jam.

now it's time to get outside and enjoy the rare fresh air. winter is coming. coal burning is coming so bad air days are ahead. but for now, let's all take a deap breath and enjoy being alive.
