英语口语话题 全球化。





Globalization can be described as ‘…a widening, deepening and speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life, from the cultural to the criminal, the financial to the spiritual’ (Held and McGrew 1999: 2).

In these pages we portray some aspects of economic globalization, meaning the greater global connectedness of livelihoods, and of the proction of goods and services.

International trade is the cross-border trade in goods and services. On these pages, it is measured by the sum of imports and exports, divided by the GDP of a national economy. The growth of international trade is a straightforward indication of economic globalization. When US residents, for example, read labels on their clothes showing they are made in China, Malaysia or Mexico, or decide to purchase a car made in South Korea, their sense of global connectedness is immediate.

Investment is the conversion of money into some form of property from which an income or profit is expected to be derived. Foreign direct investments (FDI) are flows of money into a country that purchase a lasting stake in an enterprise for a foreign investor. These investments are direct in the sense that the investor purchases ownership rights in a specific company, rather than in a portfolio of stocks held by a broker, say. FDI does not include short-term investments, portfolio investments or currency flows.

Foreign Direct Investment is an indication of growing transnational ownership of proction assets. It is a leading edge of economic globalization in the sense that increasing foreign ownership of proctive may give direct influence over livelihoods and proction. The implications of foreign ownership of proction may include both positive and negative elements, depending on the perspective of the observer. Foreign investment has often been an important avenue for the transfer of skills and technology. At the same time, foreign investment puts workers under foreign control, and leads to foreign appropriation of profits.


[1]流动,有利于科技在全球性的扩张,有利于促进不发达地区经济的发展,是人类发展进步的表现,是世界经济发展的必然结果。但它对每个国家来说,都是一柄双刃剑,既是机遇,也是挑战。特别是对经济实力薄弱和科学技术比较落后的发展中国家,面对全球性的激烈竞争,所遇到的风险、挑战将更加严峻。目前经济全球化中急需解决的问题是建立公平合理的新的经济秩序,以保证竞争的公平性和有效性。 经济全球化是指贸易、投资、金融、生产等活动的全球化,即生存要素在全球范围内的最佳配合置。从根源上说是生产力和国际分工的高度发展,要求进一步跨越民族和国家疆界的产物。进入21世纪以来,经济全球化与*公司的深入发展,既给世界贸易带来了重大的推动力,同时也给各国经贸带来了诸多不确定因素,使其出现许多新的特点和新的矛盾。为此,研究和了解这一问题有着一定的现实意义。
