Hot Jobs for the Future
Fortunately, you don't have to gaze into a crystal ball to learn about employment trends and growing instries. How will your career fare in the job market over the next ten years? Will prospective employers knock on your door, or will you need to pound the pavement looking for the best opportunity?
Luckily, you don't have to consult a psychic or gaze into a crystal ball to learn about employment trends, determine which instries are growing, and find out what jobs will be in demand over the next decade. According to the American Work Force: 1992-2005, published by the US Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, some of the fastest growing instries will be:
Residential care - This instry will be affected by the shift away from hospital care. Strong growth is expected for residential care for the elderly and drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers.
Computer and data processing services - Growth is expected e to the continuing expansion of computer technology.
Health services - This field is expected to increase twice as fast as the economy as a whole. There is a general growth of demand for all health services, continued greater reliance on outpatient and home health care, and more contracting out of medical laboratory work.
Child day care services - The number of children under age five is increasing as more mothers enter the work force. There is also a shift away from home-based babysitting to formal day care centers.
Business services - Business is expected to spend more money on miscellaneous services, such as direct mail and paralegal services.
Management and public relations - Money will continue to be spent on financial, personnel, information systems, managerial, and consulting areas.
Social services - Growth will continue e to more health insurance plans reimbursing for counseling services. Services for seniors will greatly increase.
Accounting and auditing services - Demand for these areas will continue to increase because of the growing complexity of tax laws, accounting proceres, and reporting requirements.
Personnel supply services - Businesses will continue to increase spending on temporary help services. The market for temporary personnel will include more nurses, engineers, and accountants.
Job training and related services - The current emphasis on job training for people with disabilities will continue to grow.
Offices of health practitioners - More health care services will be performed in group practice centers, particularly HMOs.
Nursing and personal care facilities - The growth of the elderly population, especially those over age 85, will increase the demand for nursing homes and skilled-care nursing facilities.
Based on future employment trends, the Department of Labor offers several reasons for the growth of the following occupations:
Human service workers - These professionals work with the elderly and people with mental and emotional disabilities. Growth will be driven by health insurance reimbursements for counseling service and increased use of residential care and services for seniors.
Computer engineers/scientists and systems analysts - Significant increases in these jobs reflect the growth in consulting and systems integration and the development of technologies that create new areas for computer use.
Physical therapists - Group medical practices are expanding rapidly and offer more ancillary services, such as physical therapy. Hospitals will also increase demand e to the expansion of outpatient rehabilitation services.
Special ecation teachers - As the growth of the school age population increases, there will also be an increase in the number of students with special needs.
Medical assistants - An increase in the number of physician's offices and other health practitioners will increase the need for support staff with both clinical and clerical abilities.
Radiology technologists/technicians - Increases are e to legislation requiring certified radiology personnel to operate X-ray and imaging equipment, expanding group medical practices, and the increasing number of MRIs performed in hospitals.
Medical records technicians - Increases are expected in physicians' offices and clinics e to a trend toward larger group practices. Increases in hospitals are e to the need for accurate medical records for health insurance and Medicare reimbursements.
Operations research analysts - The expanding use of operations research to improve proctivity and rece costs is expected to increase demand.
Occupational therapists - Increases in offices and clinics of health practitioners and hospitals reflect the growing demand for outpatient rehabilitation services.
Teachers, teacher's aides, and ecational assistants - State and local governments and religious organizations will increase spending on ecation e to the growth in the number of school-age children.
Speech pathologists and audiologists - Increases in hospitals and offices of physicians and other health practitioners will occur e to the expansion of rehabilitation services.
Insurance adjusters, examiners, and investigators - Increases are expected as the result of greater efforts by insurance companies to verify the validity and accuracy of claims.
Respiratory therapists - Increases are e to the growing demand from an increasing elderly population for health service.
Psychologists - Increases in ecation because of the increased awareness by parents and faculty of the counseling needs of children. Increases in hospitals e to increase in counseling and related services.
Registered nurses - Increases are e to an increasing demand for all health services, as well as the trend in hospitals to replace licensed practical nurses with more ecated registered nurses.
Marketing and sales worker supervisors - Increases will occur as the result of an increase in retail trade. Also, business is placing a greater emphasis on marketing and sales.
General managers and top executives - Increases will be in wholesale trade because of a projected growth in foreign trade.
Accountants and auditors - The growing complexity of tax laws will cause continued expenditures by business and government for these services.
Clerical supervisors and managers - Increases are e to the rise in information clerks, receptionists, and general office staff.
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