




1.白兰地:从荷兰语 Brandewijn 而来,意思为“烧的酒”,16世纪时,出现一种新酒,蒸馏葡萄酒—白兰地。



1.brandy: from the Dutch Brandewijn brandy, meaning ", "the wine burned in the 16th century, a new wine, distillation wine -- brandy.
A liter about eight liters of brandy distilled from wine concentrated, the wine is almost a colorless, but in oak casks stored, oak wine, pigment into brown. The longer, the darker. Because the color is more popular, currently use caramel brewery add color.

Brandy is a kind of decorous and smooth taste, has special aroma. Brandy is a characteristic, it is not afraid. In brandy in water, in constant can also rece wine flavor. Therefore, people drink brandy often into ice, water or soda water.

Currently the world's best brandy procing area is France's Charente lang province (city) (families) Virginia Cognac grams and surrounding areas, the province (Gers) WenYi (giorgio armani Armagnac ratnayake areas, these regions), the traditional proction brandy is ages ago, therefore has the brewery to the first, price is made.

Generally, is known to use wine brandy distilled enrichment. But, as long as it is generalized, wine base distilled from alcohol, can be called brandy, but in the name of the fruit with corresponding names like "apple brandy," "cherry brandy," "strawberry brandy", "ou plum brandy."

2.威士忌:威士忌一字,是古代居住在爱尔兰和苏格兰高地的塞尔特人的语言。是一种由大麦等谷物酿制,在橡木桶中陈酿多年后,调配成43度左右的烈性蒸瘤酒。英国人称之为“生命之水”。主要生产国为英语国家。它最大的特色是味淡而清、度数低、不易上头、可以小酌慢品、回味悠长 。苏格兰威士忌可分为纯麦芽和渗杂两种。目前世界上最流行的,也是牌子最泛多的是渗杂的苏格兰威士忌。
2 Whisky The word, whisky: whiskey is ancient live in Ireland and the Scottish highlands the Celtic language. Is a kind of barley, such as corn brewed in oak barrels aging, allocate after years of around 43 degrees steam tumor wine. British people called it "the water of life". The main procers for English speaking country. It is the biggest characteristic them, and it is not low, can drink slowly, and aftertaste. Can be divided into pure malt scotch and miscellaneous two kinds. Now the most popular in the world, is also the most extensive brand is the permeability scotch.
In Britain the Irish Irish whiskey. In a world where the oldest breweries. The whisky then in legend is best here. And rye whiskey and BOURBON whiskey (U.S.),
3.琴酒:又叫杜松子酒,是世界第一大类烈酒。很多人都以为琴酒是英国人发明的,其实琴酒实源自荷兰,如同许多现代烈酒的祖先一样,它最早的用途是药,而不是一种随性的饮品。真正让琴酒在英国广为流行的关键,却是玛莉女王的夫婿英王威廉三世。於是,英国自此跃升为最重要的琴酒生产国,甚至较发源地的荷兰更青出於蓝。琴酒又分为:伦敦乾琴酒(London Dry Gin),荷兰琴酒(Dutch Gin)普利茅斯琴酒(Plymouth Gin)黑刺李琴酒(Sloe Gin)

荷兰金酒色泽透明清亮。香味突出,风格独特,适宜于单饮,不宜作鸡尾酒的基酒。但是英国金酒酒液无色透明,气味奇异清香,口感醇美爽适, 既可单饮,又可作为基酒。故有人称金酒为鸡尾酒的心脏。

3 gin: also called gin, is the world's first categories of liquor. Many people think gin is British invention, gin, as many ShiYuan since the ancestors of modern spirits, it is the earliest usage, not a drink with sex. Let gin in Britain is the key, the popularity of the queen Mary as king William iii. Then, Britain for the most important jumped from procer, even gin is the origin of the Dutch more green. Gin and divided into: London Dry Gin (Dry Gin), none Dutch Gin Dutch (Plymouth Gin) (Plymouth Gin Gin) black LiQin thorn Sloe Gin),

The Dutch gold color transparent crystal wine. Fragrance, unique style, suitable for single drink for cocktails, unfavorable base. But British gin wine smell, colorless transparent fragrance, taste full-bodied strange sweet comfortable, can drink, and can be used as a single base. It has called for a cocktail of gin.

Golden wine taste and style can be divided by gin, peppery old Tom gin and fruity gin.
4.朗姆酒:古巴国酒,也叫“海盗之酒”,它虽然是制糖业的一种副产品主要是以甘蔗为原料但是喝起来是没有甜味的。闻起来很香,但是喝下去非常烈。主要分白朗姆(White Rum,无色) 、金朗姆(Gold Rum,淡褐色) 、黑朗姆(Dark Rum,深褐色),一般 含酒精42%~50%。根据风味特征,可将朗姆酒分为:浓香型和轻香型。1805年在特拉法尔加海战中阵亡的霍雷肖·纳尔逊提督,为了防腐,他的遗体以兰姆酒浸渍著运返本国,故此兰姆酒也被称为纳尔逊之血。
4 rum, Cuba, also called "national pirates of the wine", although it is a by-proct of the sugar instry on sugarcane as raw materials, but it is not drink alcohol. Smells great, but drink down very fierce. Main points, White Rum, marder colorless), JinLang Rum, hazel's Gold (bynum), black and Dark brown, Dark Rum (42), alcoholic ~ 50%. According to the flavor characteristics, can be divided into: luzhou-flavor liquor and light rum scent. In 1805 in trafalgar naval war.children Horatio nelson's one-sleeved undershirt, possibly prefect, corrosion, he remains in the operation with rum dipping, therefore return their rum is also called the blood of nelson.
5.伏特加:俄罗斯国酒,是从俄语中"水"一词派生而来的。18世纪以后就开始使用土豆和玉米作原料了。伏特加无色、无香味,具有中性的特点,味道有些类似于我们的白酒。酒度一般在40%以下。且口味单纯、干净,无任何杂味,独树一格。不过目前目前世界上最高度数的酒就来自于伏特加 (波兰伏特加 96度)
5: Russia wine, from vodka in Russian "water" one word is derived. Since the 18th century began using potato and corn as raw material. No fragrance, colorless, vodka with neutral flavor characteristics, some similar to our liquor. Alcohol degrees below 40% in general. Taste pure, clean, no taste, a tree. But now the world's highest degree wine from vodka (Poland vodka 96)
6.龙舌兰酒:(西班牙:Tequila),墨西哥国酒,被称为墨西哥的灵魂。以龙舌兰(agave)为原料。除了颜色有金色和银色(透明)的差别之外,也十分注重等级差异。例如Joven abocado 在西班牙文里面意指年轻且顺口的,此等级的酒也常被称为Oro(金色的)。像这样的有几种分级,都是有法规保障、不可滥用的官方标准。龙舌兰的口味凶烈,香气很独特。

6 Tequila (Spain), Mexico Tequila: establish, called the soul of Mexico. Agave tequila (in) as raw material. Besides color with gold and silver (clear) difference, but also pay great attention to the level difference. As abocado Joven in Spanish inside means young and smooth, the levels of wine is often called Oro (golden). As such, there are several laws and regulations of the state standard of abuse. Agave taste, smell very unique evil.

Liqueur referring to add natural fragrant wine medicinal plants and animals, and has certain health drinks made liqueur. There are other base for example, Champagne (Champagne), Wine (Wine).


1 of Hester prynne: from Brandewijn Dutch, meaning ", "the wine burned in the 16th century, a new wine, distillation wine -- brandy.
A liter about eight liters of brandy distilled from wine concentrated, the wine is almost a colorless, but in oak casks stored, oak wine, pigment into brown. The longer, the darker. Because the color is more popular, currently use caramel brewery add color.

Brandy is a kind of decorous and smooth taste, has special aroma. Brandy is a characteristic, it is not afraid. In brandy in water, in constant can also rece wine flavor. Therefore, people drink brandy often into ice, water or soda water.

Currently the world's best brandy procing area is France's Charente lang province (city) (families) Virginia Cognac grams and surrounding areas, the province (Gers) WenYi (giorgio armani Armagnac ratnayake areas, these regions), the traditional proction brandy is ages ago, therefore has the brewery to the first, price is made.

Generally, is known to use wine brandy distilled enrichment. But, as long as it is generalized, wine base distilled from alcohol, can be called brandy, but in the name of the fruit with corresponding names like "apple brandy," "cherry brandy," "strawberry brandy", "ou plum brandy."
2 a word, whisky: whiskey is ancient live in Ireland and the Scottish highlands the Celtic language. Is a kind of barley, such as corn brewed in oak barrels aging, allocate after years of around 43 degrees steam tumor wine. British people called it "the water of life". The main procers for English speaking country. It is the biggest characteristic them, and it is not low, can drink slowly, and aftertaste. Can be divided into pure malt scotch and miscellaneous two kinds. Now the most popular in the world, is also the most extensive brand is the permeability scotch.
In Britain the Irish Irish whiskey. In a world where the oldest breweries. The whisky then in legend is best here. And rye whiskey and BOURBON whiskey (U.S.),

Three gin: also called gin, is the world's first categories of liquor. Many people think gin is British invention, gin, as many ShiYuan since the ancestors of modern spirits, it is the earliest usage, not a drink with sex. Let gin in Britain is the key, the popularity of the queen Mary as king William iii. Then, Britain for the most important jumped from procer, even gin is the origin of the Dutch more green. Gin and divided into: London Dry Gin (Dry Gin), none Dutch Gin Dutch (Plymouth Gin) (Plymouth Gin Gin) black LiQin thorn Sloe Gin),

The Dutch gold color transparent crystal wine. Fragrance, unique style, suitable for single drink for cocktails, unfavorable base. But British gin wine smell, colorless transparent fragrance, taste full-bodied strange sweet comfortable, can drink, and can be used as a single base. It has called for a cocktail of gin.

Golden wine taste and style can be divided by gin, peppery old Tom gin and fruity gin.

4 rum, Cuba, also called "national pirates of the wine", although it is a by-proct of the sugar instry on sugarcane as raw materials, but it is not drink alcohol. Smells great, but drink down very fierce. Main points, White Rum, marder colorless), JinLang Rum, hazel's Gold (bynum), black and Dark brown, Dark Rum (42), alcoholic ~ 50%. According to the flavor characteristics, can be divided into: luzhou-flavor liquor and light rum scent. In 1805 in trafalgar naval war.children Horatio nelson's one-sleeved undershirt, possibly prefect, corrosion, he remains in the operation with rum dipping, therefore return their rum is also called the blood of nelson.

May: Russia wine, from vodka in Russian "water" one word is derived. Since the 18th century began using potato and corn as raw material. No fragrance, colorless, vodka with neutral flavor characteristics, some similar to our liquor. Alcohol degrees below 40% in general. Taste pure, clean, no taste, a tree. But now the world's highest degree wine from vodka (Poland vodka 96)

6 Tequila (Spain), Mexico Tequila: establish, called the soul of Mexico. Agave tequila (in) as raw material. Besides color with gold and silver (clear) difference, but also pay great attention to the level difference. As abocado Joven in Spanish inside means young and smooth, the levels of wine is often called Oro (golden). As such, there are several laws and regulations of the state standard of abuse. Agave taste, smell very unique evil.

Liqueur referring to add natural fragrant wine medicinal plants and animals, and has certain health drinks made liqueur. There are other base for example, Champagne (Champagne), Wine (Wine).


