如何填写Common Application中的Activities List





申请美国大学的本科时,很多学校都要求申请人填写活动经历,下面是填写活动的一些建议: Make it easy to understand your activities Most colleges' applications will provide you with a space to describe your activities and estimate the amount of time you spend doing each. Here’s how to do that effectively. 1. Never submit a resume in place of actually listing your activities.If you send a resume without being asked, it’s like telling the college that you didn’t like the way they put the application together. Don’t do it. It’ll just annoy them. 2. List your activities in order of importance to you.Start with the one activity that you could never imagine your high school career without, then work your way down from there. That will help an admissions officer quickly understand what was most important to you, and likely what you spent the most time doing. 3. List only what’s significant.The applicant with the longest list of activities is not necessarily the one who’s going to get in. Admissions officers want to learn about the significant ways you spent your time outside of class. If you were in the Spanish Club in ninth grade and never went back after ninth grade, it won’t really help your application to list it. Leave the space blank, or use the spot to share something else more important to you. Remember: this isn’t a contest to see how much you can list. It’s your chance to describe what you really enjoyed doing in high school. 4. Spell out (most) abbreviations/acronyms.It would be hard to find someone who doesn’t know what an MVP is, but there are lots of other abbreviations that only mean something to the people involved in the group that uses it. Would your aunt who doesn’t work at your high school know it? If not, write it out on your application. 5. Be accurate with your “approximate time spent.”Many colleges will ask you to estimate the number of weeks per year, and number of hours per week, that you spend participating in each activity. Be as accurate as you can. Colleges aren’t paying close enough attention that they’ll question if two hours a week in the Spanish Club should more accurately be one hour. But if you tell them your involvement in the Spanish Club is 30 hours per week, that doesn’t add up (unless Spanish Club has become your full-time job). Don’t underestimate, either. If you say you play football six hours a week, that’s probably selling yourself short considering that one game alone is at least three hours. Again, just be as accurate as you can. Also, some students who are very involved in an activity automatically enter “52 weeks per year.” But you should only do that if you are honestly swimming in the pool or working at the hamburger stand or running the Key Club every single week of the year (including winter holiday, spring break and summer months). There’s no need to exaggerate here, and no reason to give an admissions officer pause. 希望对大家有所帮助!
