The Kolumb and egg story, believe that everyone had heard of. Kolumb break the normal procere mode of thinking will egg bottom break, so that the egg stand. The magician can make the egg upright, their secret is: first in the egg below covered with a layer of salt; and then the file at the bottom of the flat file egg; and then use the flat rice, egg adhesive stick to contact with them. However, all this is external, in violation of the "rules" of the technique. So, there is no way to make the egg really stand up? The vernal equinox is egg can stand up here in the ancient legend, the vernal equinox the day can easily put the egg upright month Q to) many years ago, "the vernal equinox vertical egg" has become Chinese a festive celebrations.Hongkong Space Museum Director Assistant Liu Qiye think, egg is indeed can erect, but is notbecause the vernal equinox (or any astronomical relationship). Every year the vernal equinox(March 20th ~21), the earth in the solar system's position without what special, even after theautumnal equinox, winter solstice, Xia Zhi, the earth to aphelion, perihelion such days, the gravity of the sun on the earth would not suddenly become can make the egg upright. The vernal equinox each year lunar calendar date is not the same, therefore, the moon is not e to tidal forces the egg upright. The shell is not smooth, but is actually a rugged. As long as can make the egg just support on these grooves, can put the egg. Secondly, the egg is hard to shake the yolks and whites separation can stand up.