




REM Specify the menus.

Dim menuitems(0)
for i = 0 to arraylen(menuitems()) - 1

REM An array for general use
Dim data(0)

REM Scale controls to screen size. The script assumes 320 x 480
rem Note that fonts are scaled according to density by Android

d = getlayoutvalues
strsplit(data, d, ",")
d = data(0) / 320

REM let the activity window paint empty to look like somethings happened immediately
rem otherwise you carry on seeing the IDE window


REM Add the views

addbutton("btn1", 5*d, 5*d, 65*d, 65*d, "")
settext("btn1", "Get")

addtogglebutton("tgl1", 250*d, 5*d, 65*d, 65*d, "")
settexton("tgl1", "Yes")
settextoff("tgl1", "No")

addlabel("lbl1", 80*d, 5*d, 130*d, 30*d, "")
settext("lbl1", "<- press both ->")
settextsize("lbl1", 18)

addcheckbox("chk1", 5*d, 80*d, 170*d,40*d, "")
settext("chk1", "Check(!) this out")

addradiobutton("rad1", 180*d, 80*d, 65*d, 40*d, "")
settext("rad1", "On")

addradiobutton("rad2", 250*d, 80*d, 65*d, 40*d, "")
settext("rad2", "Off")

addedittext("edt1", 5*d, 135*d, 205*d, 55*d, "")
settext("edt1", "Some text" & crlf & "some more" & crlf & "even more" & crlf & "and more")

createtypeface("serif", 1)
settextsize("edt1", 24)

addlabel("lbl2", 220*d, 135*d, 100*d, 30*d, "")
settext("lbl2", "Scroll the text")

addimage("img1", 5*d, 205*d, 305*d, 200*d, "")

addpanel("pnl1", 5*d, 80*d, 305*d, 300*d, "")
setcolor("pnl1", 10*d, csilver)
addbutton("btn2", 5*d, 5*d, 65*d, 65*d, "pnl1")
settext("btn2", "Hide")
setvisible("pnl1", false)

Dim data(3)
data(0) = cred
data(1) = cgreen
data(2) = cblue
setactivitybackground("TL_BR", 10*d, "data")
setbackground("lbl1", "RIGHT_LEFT", 10*d, "data")
settextcolor("lbl1", cyellow)

REM TabHost

addtabhost("tbh1", 75*d, 5*d, 200*d, 250*d, "pnl1")
setcolor("tbh1", 5*d, cred)

addtab("One", "tab1", "tbh1")
setcolor("tab1", 10*d, cblack)
addspinner("spin1", 10*d, 10*d, 150*d, 40*d, "tab1")
setprompt("spin1", "A Spinner")
array(data, "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")
addall("spin1", "data")
addlistview("lvw1", 10*d, 55*d, 150*d, 100*d, "tab1")
setcolor("lvw1", 5*d, cblue)
setscrollcolor("lvw1", cblue)
addall("lvw1", "data")

addtab("Two", "tab2", "tbh1")
setcolor("tab2", 10*d, cgray)
addseekbar("skb1", 10*d, 20*d, 150*d, 35*d, "tab2")
addbutton("tbtn1", 50*d, 80*d, 65*d, 65*d, "tab2")
settext("tbtn1", "Reset")
setvalue("skb1", getmax("skb1")/2)

addtab("Three", "tab3", "tbh1")
setcolor("tab3", 10*d, cwhite)
addscrollview("svw1", 10*d, 10*d, 160*d, 150*d, "tab3")
setcolor("svw1", 10*d, cgreen)
getpanel("svw1", "s*l")
setheight("s*l", 300*d)
addbutton("tbtn2", 40*d, 80*d, 85*d, 65*d, "s*l")
settext("tbtn2", "Bottom")
addlabel("tlbl2", 50*d, 280*d, 1000*d, 30*d, "s*l")
settext("tlbl2", "ScrollView")

REM Graphics


col = argb(128, 255, 0, 0)
drawcircle(35*d, 35*d, 35*d, col, true, 2*d)

col = argb(128, 0, 255, 0)
drawline(35*d, 35*d, 35*d, 135*d, col, 4*d)

for i = 0 to 80*d
drawpoint(i, 100*d, cblue)

rem the points array can have a rank of 1 or 2
dim points(4,2)
points(0,0) = 40*d
points(0,1) = 40*d
points(1,0) = 80*d
points(1,1) = 80*d
points(2,0) = 40*d
points(2,1) = 160*d
points(3,0) = 40*d
points(3,1) = 40*d
drawpath("points", cpurple, false, 3)

rem the points array can have a rank of 1 or 2
dim rect(4)
rect(0) = 135*d
rect(1) = 15*d
rect(2) = 200*d
rect(3) = 135*d

drawrect("rect", cbrown, false, 4*d)
drawrectrotated("rect", cgold, false, 4*d, 45)

drawtext("Some text", 155*d, 100*d, 20, cblack, "RIGHT")
drawtextrotated("Some text", 155*d, 100*d, 20, cblack, "RIGHT", 180)

drawtext("Some text", 155*d, 280*d, 20, cblack, "RIGHT")
drawtextrotated("Some text", 155*d, 280*d, 20, cblack, "RIGHT", 180)

REM File operations

txt = filereadstring(filedirrootexternal & "/BasicIDE", "IdeTest.src")
msgbox(txt, "My script!" & " " & getfirsttime)

filewritelist(filedirrootexternal, "test.txt", "rect")
txt = filereadstring(filedirrootexternal, "test.txt")
msgbox(txt, "Test file")

filereadlist(filedirrootexternal, "test.txt", "temp")
msgbox(temp(0), "Test file")

inputdate("Enter a date", "Date Dialog", now, "OK", "Cancel", "")
showtoast("Date = " & Date(getinput), false)
inputtime("Enter a time", "Time Dialog", now, true, "OK", "Cancel", "")
showtoast("Time = " & Time(getinput), false)

REM device layout values

w = windowwidth
h = windowheight
showtoast("Window size is " & w & " x " & h, false)
showtoast("Layout values are " & getlayoutvalues, false)

REM End of inital program block

REM Event Subs

Sub button_click(who)
select who
case "btn1"
res = inputbox("Enter text", "InputBox", "OK", "Cancel", "")
ip = getinput
msgbox(ip, "You entered")
array(data, "Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five")
res = inputlistbox("data", "Choose an item", 0)
if res < 0 then
res = "Nothing"
res = data(res)
end if
msgbox(res, "You chose")
res = inputmultilistbox("data", "Choose one or more items")
msgbox(res, "You chose")
case "btn2"
setvisible("pnl1", false)
setchecked("tgl1", false)
case "tbtn1"
a = getmax("skb1")
setvalue("skb1", a/2)
case "tbtn2"
fullscroll("svw1", true)
end select
End Sub

Sub check_change(who, checked)
progressshow(who & " checked is " & checked)
for i = 0 to 2000
End Sub

Sub edit_change(who, old, new)
showtoast(who & " " & asc(strat(new, strlength(new) - 1)), false)
End Sub

Sub listview_itemclick(who, pos, value)
showtoast(who & " " & value, false)
end sub

Sub radio_change(who, checked)
showtoast(who & " " & checked, false)
End Sub

Sub seekbar_valuechanged(who, value, userchanged)
End Sub

Sub spinner_itemclick(who, pos, value)
showtoast(who & " " & value, false)
end sub

Sub tabhost_tabchanged(who)
End Sub

Sub toggle_change(who, checked)
setvisible("pnl1", checked)
End Sub

Sub menu_click(which)
showtoast(which, false)
end sub


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