3 Spatial Data Manipulation in the Relational Database
Both raster data and vector data related to GIS, the representation of spatial data is quite complex. GIS
software vendors have employed a variety of techniques to store spatial data and to link these data with geometry
features. All approaches, however, use the concept of a database management system (DBMS) to allow the user to
define the specific data element types and formats. A DBMS allows a user to describe the particular contents of a
database and the formats of data elements (e.g., integer, decimal, date, character). Although the relational DBMS
model for storing attributes is, by far, the most popular approach in the GIS software instry, the relational model
is based on the storage of attributes as the standard set of data type (integer, real, string, etc), so the fundamental
question is how to represent geometry.
As we discussed above, the problem to manage spatial data and to represent geometry can transmit to
manipulate ROs. A RO is composed of primitives such as RPO-points, RPO-lines, RPO-planes and RPO-solids. All
primitives can be expressed using points in N×N×N. So, we can store ROs in relational database, either they are
RPO-points, RPO-lines, RPO-planes, or RPO-solids. In other words, we can store spatial points, lines, surfaces and
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