造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、That's bad news for sewer systems.(对排水系统来说这是个坏消息。)
2、The alligators would escape and find their way into the New York sewer system where they started reproducing, grew to huge sizes and now strike fear into sewer workers.(短吻鳄会逃跑,找到进入纽约下水道系统的路并开始在那里繁殖,长得巨大,现在还使得下水道工人感到害怕。)
3、New York has a serious sewer problem.(纽约有很严重的污水问题。)
4、When he left office, we had a sewer system and my babies wasn’t sick anymore.(不过等到他下台的时候,我们已经有了下水道,我们的孩子也不再生病了。)
5、However, problems like urban runoff and sewer overflows continue to trouble local waterways.(尽管如此,诸如城市径流遭到污染以及污水外溢等问题仍然困扰着当地的河道。)
6、For his lair he had the sewer of the Arche-Marion.(他的窝在马利容桥拱的暗沟里。)
7、But, he added, "there's got to be ways of inspecting the sewer system."(但是,他补充说,“必须找到办法检查下水道系统。”)
8、The sewer is the conscience of the city.(下水道是城市的良心。)
9、For weeks, my laboratory smelled like the combined essences of sewer, garbage dump and locker room.(好几个星期,我的实验室就像是混合了下水道、垃圾堆和球员更衣室的味道。)
10、Watch video of sewer divers in Mexico City.(墨西哥下水道潜水员。)
11、Brussels in 2007 renovated its sewer museum, whose exterior resembles a Greek temple.(2007年,布鲁塞尔翻新了该市的下水道博物馆,从外部来看,它就像是一座希腊神庙。)
12、Wearing heels also creates the threat of getting a heel caught in a sidewalk crack or a sewer-grate and being thrown to the ground—possibly breaking a nose, back, or neck.(穿着高跟鞋也会造成鞋跟被人行道裂缝或阴沟栅卡住以及摔倒在地上的危险,穿鞋的人有可能会摔断鼻子、背部或脖子。)
13、sewer workers say they have found jewelry, wallets, guns, a human torso.(那些下水道工人就叙述他们找到的东西,像珠宝、钱包、枪还有一个人的躯干。)
14、In such cases, there is no love which holds fast; the sewer extinguishes it.(在这种情况下,不存在经得起考验的爱情,污泥已把它扑灭了。)
15、While she's thankful the sewer wasn't full at the time, that didn't make it any less gross.(虽然她很庆幸下水道检修孔当时不是满的,但这并没有让它看起来不明显。)
16、He would tell her, "Oh, sinful wretch, who is spreading disease and filth like an open sewer."(他会告诉她:“噢,可恶的家伙,像露天下水道一样传播疾病和污秽。”)
17、The last 10 years have seen more severe storms causing sewer overflows.(过去10年间,暴雨常引发下水道溢流。)
18、The sewer in the kitchen clogs easily.(厨房的下水道很容易堵塞。)
19、Concerns about public health led to the construction between 1876 and 1904 of three separate sewer systems to serve metropolitan Boston.(出于对公众健康的担忧,1876年至1904年期间,为了服务于波士顿市区,政府修建了三个独立的下水道系统。)
20、a 40 kg sewer lid can be sold on the black market for roughly 6 euros (4 pounds), goffaux said.(戈福说,目前,黑市上一块重达40公斤的下水道井盖可以卖到大约6欧元。)
21、Stay overnight in a concrete sewer pipe on the banks of the River Danube.(在多瑙河河畔的混凝土下水管里住一夜吧!)
22、One of the latest casualties is the sewer system of Jefferson county, Alabama.(最近的一个受害者是阿拉巴马州杰弗逊县的下水道系统。)
23、He must have been familiar with the enormous madrepore of the sewer.(他必须清楚这个巨大珊瑚形阴渠。)
24、The most surprising rencounter was at the entrance to the Grand sewer.(最令人吃惊的意外发现是在大阴渠的进口处。)
25、It was the gloomy star of the police which was rising in the sewer.(这是保安警察的阴暗的星光在阴渠中升起了。)
26、The Grand sewer is, in fact, eight feet wide and seven feet high.(大阴渠确有八尺宽七尺高。)
27、Comedy is when you fall in an open sewer and die.(喜剧就是你掉进污水道里死了。)
28、It was designed for an experienced sewer.(这是给有经验的裁缝设计的。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。