

2022-05-04 来源:二三四教育网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、However, in this view, the most prominent feature is Labtayt Sulci, the approximately .6 mile-deep northward-trending chasm.(当然,在这幅景观里,最显著的特征则是LabtaytSulci,它是一个深0.6英里的、向北延伸的深坑。)

2、America's expensive military role contributes to the chasm of debt.(美国因发起的军事行动开销极大,债台高筑。)

3、The chasm in the public finances cannot be closed by the efficiency savings endlessly invoked by the two main parties.(公共财政中的这层缺口是不可能被这两个主要党不断制造的有效存款给填补上了。)

4、We should celebrate the fact that we no longer have to pretend there is a yawning chasm between us and our new-found blood brothers.(我们应该庆祝,我们再不用假装我们与我们新的骨肉相连的兄弟之间存有鸿沟。)

5、So why the growing chasm?(差距为什么越来越大?)

6、That's not to say that there's a huge fitness chasm between singles and married couples.(这并不是说单身人士和已婚夫妻在健康方面存在天壤之别。)

7、There's a vast chasm between these tinkerers and those with access to a traditional lab.(这些修补匠与传统的实验室研究人员之间有着巨大的鸿沟。)

8、One of the reasons there's a chasm between geeks and mangers is that managers sometimes forget who they are and what they did.(怪咖们和老板们有分歧的原因之一就是老板们有时忘了自己是谁,曾经做了什么。)

9、So the chasm widens, and Memphis is left to deal with the consequences.(这个鸿沟进一步扩大了,孟菲斯的人们只有无奈处理这样的后果。)

10、Making this vision a reality is challenging because of the rather significant chasm between client and server.(由于在客户机和服务器间存在着巨大差异,让这个目标成为现实还是很有挑战性的。)

11、chasmal definition is resembling a chasm.(峡谷的定义是类似于一个裂口。)

12、But none of these can fill the chasm created by our deep sense of separation.(但是,这一切都无法填补由我们强烈的分离意识造成的鸿沟。)

13、It is more of a chasm than a gap.(但这显然是一个鸿沟而不是什么缺口。)

14、Sarcasm works well for both genders to create a chasm between you.(挖苦对两性之间的裂痕效果极佳。)

15、For this reason if a startup aims at the mainstream right away, the chances are it won't even get to the chasm.(因为这些原因,如果创业者将他们的目光集中于主流用户,他们甚至不会有达到鸿沟的机会。)

16、The present gap is really more of a chasm.(目前的差距越来越大了。)

17、Startups do not have that and it is one of the reasons why venture capitalists worry about the chasm.(创业者不会有这个优势,所以风险投资者会为鸿沟的存在而忧心。)

18、The tourists luxuriated in the beauties of the chasm.(游客们尽情地享受这个峡谷的美景。)

19、This industry is in transition, straddling the chasm between enterprise business and the art of games.(这个行业正处于过渡时期,正在跨越企业业务和游戏艺术之间的鸿沟。)

20、Crossing the chasm is all about getting a technology widely adopted.(如何跨越鸿沟都与如何让一个科技产品能被广泛的接纳有关。)

21、Pat had earlier made a dive of 80 feet from the chasm Bridge.(早些时,帕特曾从卡泽姆大桥进行过80英尺高的跳水。)

22、He was acutely 14 aware of a wide chasm 15 which can separate words and actions.(他深深地意识到,语言和行动可能存在的巨大差距。)

23、With no sign of a new budget to close this chasm, one credit agency has already downgraded California's debt.(由于没有迹象表明能有新的预算来弥补这一鸿沟,一家信贷机构已经降低了加州的债务信誉等级。)

24、WHO is trying to narrow the chasm between the needs and the services with its mental health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP).(WHO试图缩小需求和它的精神卫生服务差距活动规划之间的裂隙。)

25、there's a chasm between where we are and where we need to be—and our current strategy for bridging it is murky at best.(我们距离实现这一目标还有很大的差距,而且我们当前所采取的战略也模糊不清。)

26、The startups view of the chasm is that it does not matter, at least for now.(创业者认为,鸿沟的存在并不重要,至少是对现在的他们来说。)

27、Before you cross the chasm you need to get to the chasm.(在跨越鸿沟之前,他们至少需要能够达到鸿沟。)

28、To ensure a winner, you need to figure out how to cross the chasm.(为了最终胜利,你必须重视如何去跨越这个鸿沟。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


