造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Rocky Polychrome Hall in Altamira Cave has been compared to a Paleolithic Sistine Chapel because of its decorated ceiling.(阿尔塔米拉洞穴里的岩石多彩大厅以其顶板的装饰可与旧石器时代的西斯廷教堂相比拟。)
2、The earliest discovered traces of art are beads and carvings, and then paintings, from sites dating back to the Upper Paleolithic period.(最早发现的艺术痕迹是珠子和雕刻品,然后是绘画,它们来自旧石器时代晚期的遗址。)
3、Consistent with this idea, according to the investigators, is the fact that the art of the cultural period that followed the Upper Paleolithic also seems to reflect how people got their food.(研究人员认为,与这一观点相一致的是,旧石器时代晚期之后的文化时期的艺术似乎也反映了人们获取食物的方式。)
4、Getting to the paintings themselves, virtually all Paleolithic cave art represents animals, and Chauvet is no exception.(说到绘画本身,几乎所有旧石器时代的洞穴艺术都代表动物,肖维也不例外。)
5、Shown here is a layout of an upper Paleolithic hut, a form often repeated in its general characteristics.(此处展示的是旧石器时代晚期一间棚屋的结构图,该形式的一般特征往往重复出现。)
6、The Paleolithic axe is an infant by comparison, merely 100, 000 years old.(相比之下,旧石器时代的斧子简直就是个婴儿,才存在了十万年。)
7、The anthropologist Alexander Marshack has an interesting interpretation of some of the engravings made during the Upper Paleolithic.(人类学家亚历山大·马沙克对旧石器时代晚期的一些雕刻有一个有趣的解释。)
8、If this is true, it would mean that Upper Paleolithic people were capable of complex thought and were consciously aware of their environment.(如果这是真的,那就意味着旧石器时代晚期的人们有能力进行复杂的思考,并会下意识地去了解他们所处的环境。)
9、FEW human records survive for long, the 16,000-year-old Paleolithic cave paintings at Lascaux, France, being one exception.(人工记录很少能长期保存。法国拉斯科的旧石器时代岩画是个例外,它已经有1万6千年的历史了。)
10、What inspired the Paleolithic artists to make such beautiful art in such inaccessible places?(是什么促使旧石器时代的艺术家们在如此偏僻的地方创作出如此美丽的艺术品?)
11、Similar stone circles are found throughout the upper and lower Paleolithic.(类似的石圈在旧石器时代早期和晚期都曾发现。)
12、Yet our Paleolithic brethren are not known for having been great scholars.(然而,在我们旧石器时代的同胞们里,还没听说过有几个伟大学者产生过。)
13、Upper Paleolithic huts from Mezin, Ukraine. These huts date to about 10, 000 BCE.(旧石器时代晚期乌克兰梅京的棚屋,时间可追溯至公元前约10000。)
14、The rationale for this is that natural selection has adapted Paleolithic humans to the food in that era.(对于这种饮食产生的原因是,旧石器时代人类通过自然选择已经适应了那个时代的食物。)
15、A Paleolithic hut divided in three sections and made of animal skins was found at Pushkari, Ukraine.(乌克兰普什卡尔发现的一处旧石器时代棚屋,由动物毛皮制成。)
16、Cave art seems to have reached a peak toward the end of the Upper Paleolithic period, when the herds of game were decreasing.(洞穴壁画艺术似乎在旧石器时代晚期达到了顶峰,而当时猎物的数量正在减少。)
17、One is that big heads were necessary to survive Upper Paleolithic life, which involved cold, outdoor activities.(其中一个认为,由于旧石器时代晚期气候寒冷,需要户外活动的原因,有一个大脑袋是必须的。)
18、Discovery of the first Paleolithic site (Gansu).(旧石器遗址在甘肃首次发现。)
19、By Paleolithic standards, technology evolved at a blistering pace in the Neolithic period.(以旧石器时期的标准,新石器时期的技术进步太快了。)
20、Cave art is therefore not typical of Paleolithic art in general; caves are merely the places where most art has survived.(洞窟艺术,因此没有典型的旧石器时代艺术的一般;洞窟只是大多数地方艺术幸免于难。)
21、Upper Paleolithic huts from Buret, Siberia. These structures date from about 10, 000 BCE.(旧石器时代晚期西伯利亚buret的棚屋,时间约为公元前10000。)
22、An extinct species or race of human beings, Homo neanderthalensis, associated with Middle Paleolithic tools.(作为已灭绝物种或人类种族,尼安德特人与旧石器时代中期的工具有关。)
23、The paintings are consistent with the idea that the art is related to the importance of hunting in the economy of Upper Paleolithic people.(这些绘画作品与旧石器时代晚期人们认为艺术在经济中的重要性有关的观点是一致的。)
24、Upper Paleolithic art was not confined to cave paintings.(旧石器时代晚期的艺术并不局限于洞穴壁画。)
25、Today, we will be covering the Upper Paleolithic Period, which I am roughly defining as the period from 35,000 to 8,000 BC.(今天,我们将涵盖旧石器时代晚期,我大致定义为公元前35000年到公元前8000年。)
26、our paleolithic ancestors called these digs home some 30, 000 years ago.(我们的祖先称这些洞30000年前。)
27、In addition to other artworks, figurines representing the human female in exaggerated form have also been found at Upper Paleolithic sites.(除了其他的艺术品,在旧石器时代晚期的遗址中也发现了以夸张的形式表示人类女性的雕像。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。