Why are people looking up cosh?
Cosh had a rare moment atop our lookups on February 4th, 2019, following the word’s appearance in an interview with actor Liam Neeson.
2019年2月4日,在对演员连姆·尼森(Liam Neeson)的采访后,Cosh这个词罕见地出现在了我们的搜索结果榜首。
Liam Neeson
What does cosh mean?
We define cosh as both noun (“a weighted weapon similar to a blackjack”) and verb (“to strike or assault with or as if with a cosh”). Both parts of speech are chiefly British in use, although not uncommon in other varieties of English.
Where does cosh come from?
The origins of cosh are somewhat obscure. Its earliest use comes in the middle of the 19th century, and it possibly comes from the Romany kaš (or kašt), meaning “stick, piece of wood.”
It is a rare day in London when the newspapers do not carry stories of people not only being robber but beaten viciously with “a cosh” of one kind or another.
—Calgary Herald (Alberta, Can.), 15 Mar. 1950
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