Reading Part @ Aug. 04, 2017
Ch 2: Harnessing Adaptability ( P26-37 )
- Challenging Homeostasis
- Shaping the Brain
- Building your Own Potential
Summary & Reflection:
The sustained activity will, among other things, lead to low levels of oxygen in the capillaries that supply your leg muscles. Your body will respond by growing new capillaries in order to provide more oxygen to the muscle cells in your legs and return them to their comfort zone.
Regular training leads to changes in the parts of the brain that are challenged by the training.
折弯幼枝效应(the bent-twig effect):我们都明白,刚长出来的幼枝相对于已经长成的枝条,更易被折弯而改变长向;而我们的大脑也会因年龄越小,适应能力越强,也就越容易被塑造;
我们的身体会适应改变而重新达到“体内平衡”(Homeostasis),而我们的大脑也会 “不用则退”,因此我们若想进一步提升自己,就要挑战我们的体内平衡,走出“舒适区”,迫使我们的身体或大脑来适应新的变化,只有这样我们才能发掘并构筑自己的潜力。
This requires challenging homeostasis—getting out of your comfort zone—and forcing your brain or your body to adapt.
Words and Expressions:
Thus, the body is equipped with various feedback mechanisms that axt to maintain the status quo.
status quo, 名词,意思是“现状”,[singular]: the current situation : the way things are now. 常见搭配有:maintain/preserve/defend the status quo (=not make any changes).
延伸知识点:行为经济学上有个 status quo bias (维持现状偏见),指的是:人在作决策的时候会把现状作为基准,而任何改变都会被当成是一种损失,因而会倾向于维持现状。比如,我们会选择熟悉的食物,熟悉的品牌等;
例句:He is content with the status quo and does not like change.
仿造句:If you want to change your status quo, you have to get ouside your comfort zone.
If you don't keep pushing and pushing and pushing some more, the body will settle into homeostasis, albeit at a different level than before, and you will stop improving.
albeit, 连接词,used to add information that reduces the force or importance of what you have just said,表示“即使,虽然”,可替换词:even though、although.
例句:He accepted the job, albeit with some hesitation.
仿造句:She has decided to quit the job, albeit her parents disagree.
The training of a London taxi driver or an Olympic gymnast or a violinist at a music academy is, in essence, a method of harnessing the adaptability of the brain and body to develop abilities that would otherwise be out of reach.
in essence, 副词,表示“本质上,其实,大体上”,used when talking about the most basic and important part of something, especially an idea, belief, or argument; 可替换词:basically、essentially、fundamentally.
例句:He was in essence [=basically, essentially, fundamentally] an honest person.
仿造句:It is, in essence, a win-win result for both of them.
对比学习:be of the essence,形容词,表示“极其重要的”: of the greatest importance.
例句:Time/speed is of the essence when dealing with a medical emergency.
A second detail worthing noting is that developing certain parts of the brain through prolonged training can come at a cost: ...
学习一个写作表达,a second detail worthing noting is... 第二个值得注意的细节是... detail 可以替换成其他的词,如 idea, part, point...etc.
8月英文原版读书会 图/Eric