
UCAS Applications A Parents Guide2009-10UCAS申请英国大学家长指引

2022-01-20 来源:二三四教育网

UCAS Applications A Parents Guide





Who are UCAS?

UCAS stands for the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service.

UCAS manages the application process for universities and colleges in the UK. However, they do not decide who actually goes where, the final decisions are made by individual academic institutions.

Once a student has decided on the courses they want to study and all

requirements of the application are completed (see what is included in the UCAS application? below) the form is sent to UCAS. UCAS then forward the application on to the chosen universities.


UCAS (University and Colleges Admissions Service) 是负责有关英国大学


学生首先要决定所修科目,并将所有填妥的文件送交UCAS。(请参考以下“UCAS 申请需要什么?”) 然后由UCAS将申请送交到所选大学。

How many universities can a student apply for?

Each student can include a maximum of FIVE choices on their application, including:

 No more than four choices in any one of the following three areas i) medicine, ii) dentistry, iii) veterinary medicine or veterinary science

 No more than one choice at either Oxford or Cambridge


每个学生最多可以申请五所大学或学院, 不过:

 申请i)医科,ii) 牙科,iii) 兽医或兽医学, 均不可超过四所  申请牛津和剑桥,只可在这两所大学中选其一。


How to apply – www.ucas.com

The UCAS application process is 100% on-line. All applicants will

register with UCAS in the first week back after the summer holiday. The online application system is called Apply.

Once students have registered with UCAS they will have your own

username and password. They will be able to go online (www.ucas.com) to work on their application and save any changes. Their tutor and the Head of Sixth Form will be able to log on and see what they have done but staff will not be able to make any changes. While students complete their details it’s really important that they work closely with their tutor.

Once students have completed sections 1-5 the school will complete and add section 6. The school will check through the applications and ask students to make any necessary changes before it is considered completed. Finally the school will send the application to UCAS.

如何申请 – www.ucas.com

UCAS 申请可以百分百在网上完成。学生将于新学年的第一个星期内向UCAS登记。网上登记的系统叫Apply (申请)。.



What is included in the UCAS application?

The UCAS on-line application form is divided into a number of sections.


UCAS 网上申请表分成以下几项。

Section One – Personal Details This includes the following:

 Full name and address


    Nationality/place of residence Date of birth Contact details

Any criminal convictions or disabilities

It is essential that these details are accurate. If for any reason any of these details change once the application is sent (for example a change of address), it is crucial that UCAS are updated.

第一部分 -- 个人资料

包括以下:  全名及地址  国籍/住址  出生日期  联系资料

 任何犯罪记录或残障


Section Two – Choices

This includes the name and course code for up to five university courses. The most up to date course details can be found at www.ucas.com or in the Big Guide book in the school library.

第二部分 – 选科

这部分包括填写最多五家大学所选的科目名称及其课程编号。有关课程最新资料可以登陆www.ucas.com或在学校图书馆内的Big Guide 查到。

Section Three – Education

This includes the schools attended by the candidate. Any examined course completed, with grades, and current courses.

第三部分 – 教育程度


Section Four – Employment

Here applicants can list any work experience gained.

第四部分 – 就业



Section Five – The Personal Statement

This is a crucial part of the application. The school will help each student draft and redraft this statement. Please read the separate booklet ‘UCAS personal statements – a guide’

第五部分 – 自我评介

这是申请最重要的部分。学校会协助学生起草,再修改这份陈述。请另参考‘UCAS personal statements – a guide’

Section Six – Reference and predicted grades

In this section UCAS ask teachers to predict the grades that students will achieve in their examinations.

The school then produces a reference. The reference can include a wide range of points that may include:

 Existing achievement, with reference to subjects relating to the subjects applicants are applying for

 Motivation and commitment towards the chosen courses  Powers of analysis and independent thought

 Relevant work experience, such as work placements, voluntary work and so on

第六部分 – 学校推荐书及预计成绩


学校随后会提供一份推介文件, 供学院参考。 这文件可能包含以下要点:

 目前成绩,尤其着重学生打算报读的科目  学生对选读科目的热衷程度  分析能力和独立思考  工作经验,例如义工等

Should I apply early?

Universities are required by UCAS rules to treat all application received by the appropriate deadline on an equal basis. This means that applying early should make no difference, as long as the deadline is met.


The final UCAS deadline for applications is 15th January 2011. Harrow will ensure that ALL applications are sent before the end of the autumn term but aim to send them earlier. We will support our students through the application process and send applications as they are individually finished.

PLEASE NOTE – there are a number of exceptions to the above:

 Oxford and Cambridge – the deadline is 15th October. These

universities also require a separate application form. Please contact Mr Murchie, Head of Sixth Form, if you are considering these universities amurchie@harrowbeijing.cn

 Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine or Veterinary Science – the deadline is 15th October. Extra entrance examinations could be required for these courses. If you are interested in any of these please email me amurchie@harrowbeijing.cn


UCAS 规定大学对所有在截止日期前收到的申请均平等处理,所以只要不逾期申请,提前申请与否并不重要。

UCAS 的最后申请日期为2011年1月15日。哈罗学校将尽快处理,并确保所有申请在今年秋季学期内发出。 教职员会全程协助学生,一旦学生完成申请文件,申请会马上发出。

请注意 - 以下是特殊情况:

 牛津或剑桥 -- 截至日期为10月15日。这两所大学需要多提交另外一份申请表。学生如果考虑申请,请联络高中部主任Mr Murchie。amurchie@harrowbeijing.cn

 医科,牙科, 兽医或兽医学 -- 截至日期为10月15日。这些科目需要另外的入学考试。如果考虑申请,请联络高中部主任Mr Murchie。amurchie@harrowbeijing.cn

What happens at UCAS once they receive an application?

Initial processing is normally completed within one day and the relevant details are dispatched to universities and colleges.


Once UCAS have processed the application they will send each applicant a welcome letter, giving their application number, their personal ID, their personal details and a list of courses they have applied to. Students should check this information immediately by logging on to their area on the UCAS web site (www.ucas.com).

Each applicant will also receive a booklet from UCAS that includes the following information.

 What happens next in the application process

 How the applicant will receive notice of the universities’ and colleges’ decisions

 How to reply to any offers

UCAS 收到申请怎样处理?


UCAS 处理申请后会向学生发出一封欢迎信,通知有关申请编号,个人资料及所选科目。学生应该马上登陆UCAS 网站 (www.ucas.com) , 核对资料是否正确。

每一个申请者也会收到UCAS 寄来的小册子,内容包括:

 申请的下一步

 申请者怎样知道大学及学院的决定  如获录取应如何回应

PLEASE NOTE – UCAS do not send details of all five choices to each university. In other words, a chosen university does not know what other universities a student has applied to.

The time taken by universities and colleges to make a decision varies, depending on where the applicant has applied. Sometimes the applicant has to sit an admissions test (medicine courses for example) or attend an interview. Art and design students in particular might need to present a portfolio of their work.

The universities send their decision to UCAS not to the individual

students. UCAS then notify the student. Applicants can also use Track at www.ucas.com to find the latest position on their choices.


All decisions are made at the universities and colleges. UCAS are not involved in deciding to make offers or reject applicants.

请注意 – UCAS 不会把所有五个申请提交到每一所大学, 即每所预选大学并不知道学生其他的选择。

学院做出决定的时间均有不同, 有些需要学生考入学试(例如医科),有些要求面试。 选修美术设计的学生更可能需要提交一套作品册。

大学不会将决定通知个别学生,而是通知UCAS, 由UCAS 通知学生。申请者也可以在www.ucas.com 通过Track (追查系统)查看最新情况。

学院有最终决定权, UCAS 并不参与挑选学生的程序。

When a decision is made, it will be one of the following:

UNCONDITIONAL OFFER (U) – This means you have already met all of the requirements for the course. This is more common where students apply at the end of a gap year and already have their A-Level results. It is unlikely that our students will receive unconditional offers.

CONDITIONAL OFFER (C) – This means that the offer has certain conditions, for example the applicant has to achieve certain exam results. This may be either the achievement of certain grades in specific subjects or obtaining a certain number of UCAS tariff points.

REJECTION (R) – The University has not offered you a place on the course.


󰈭󳵦󰎁󰕟录 (U) - 这意谓学生已经符合所选学科的所有入学条件。 这种情况对那些完成暂休学年,已经获取高考成绩的学生 较为普遍。正在修读课程的学生不甚可能得到。

有󳵦󰎁󰕟录(C) - 这意谓学府提出一定条件, 例如要求申请者考试成绩达到一定水平。这可能是要求某个科目要考取到某个级别, 或者是达到UCAS 某个积分(Tariff Points)。

拒绝取录 (R)- 大学拒绝取录学生修读某个课程。


How to reply to offers

Once an applicant has heard from all of their chosen universities, UCAS will send them a letter explaining how to reply to the offers. Applicants can:

 Accept one offer ‘FIRMLY’. If this is a conditional offer they can also…

 Accept a second offer as an ‘INSURANCE’ choice (in case they do not meet the requirements of the firmly accepted offer)

Therefore an application strategy is to ensure that within the five course choices a range of entrance requirements are considered. Some that are at the top end of an applicants’ expected grades and one (the insurance) that will allow entrance to a course with lower entrance requirements.



 “确认”接受一间学府取录。 如果是有󳵦󰎁󰕟录,󰀁学生亦可以…

 接受第二选择作为󰀁󰀁“保险”󰀁(󰀁这是为学生万一未能考取到第一志愿作后备的。)



What happens if an applicant is unsuccessful in all five choices?


If an applicant has been unsuccessful in all five choices they can then use the ‘Extra’ process.

The Extra process is a way of applying to further universities or colleges if the initial five choices have been unsuccessful. Applicants can apply to other courses (where there are spaces) but ONLY ONE AT A TIME.

Extra operates from late February to the end of June 2011. Applicants use course search at www.ucas.com to find which courses are advertising


vacancies in Extra. We will publish more details about Extra later in the year.




“另作选择” 让学生向其他(仍有学额的)大学或学院提交申请,不过,每次只限一间。

学生可以由2011年2月底至6月底进行“另作选择”。 申请者登陆

www.ucas.com 在“另作选择” 栏内可以找到仍然有空缺的课程。本学校亦会于今年稍后公布这方面更多的资料。


If a UCAS applicant does not achieve the examination grades they hoped for and failed to meet the entrance requirements of their chosen university, there is a good chance they could secure a place through Clearing.

The Clearing process runs from early July and helps students who have not got the right grades to find courses where there are still places available. www.ucas.com will list all courses available in Clearing.

As with the entire UCAS process, staff will be available to assist students through Clearing. More details of clearing will be made available nearer the time. We do not anticipate many, if any, students having to go through Clearing.



统一处理程序由七月初开始,让学生在错失了所选择的学院后另找学位。www.ucas.com 会在统一处理栏内列出所有仍然有空缺的课程。

本校教职员会全力协助学生进行统一处理 程序。有关细节会稍后公布。我们并不预期会有,或者有很多学生要进行统一处理。


The UCAS application timeline

The table below highlights some of the key UCAS dates.

UCAS 申请时间表

以下时间表列明了UCAS 申请的重要日程:

September 2010 UCAS application process begins 2010 年9月 UCAS 开始接受申请 th15 October 2010 Deadline for applications to Oxford and Cambridge 2010年10月15日 牛津,剑桥截止报名

Deadline for applications to Dentistry, Medicine, Veterinary 15th October 2010

Medicine and Veterinary Science.

医科,牙科,兽医或兽医学截止报名 2010年10月15日

th15 January 2011 Closing date for applications from UK and EU students to be guaranteed equal academic consideration. 2011年1月15日 截止接受英国及欧盟学生申请,在此日期前提交的申请


thApplicants can refer themselves through Extra for the first 25 February 2011




th24 March 2011 Deadline for applications to Art & Design 2011年3月24 日 美术及设计科截止报名。 31st March 2011 Universities and colleges should have sent decisions on all applications received by 15 January. (But some may take longer.) 2011年3月31日 学府应该已处理1月15日前收到的申请,并把有关决定 发出。(要些学府会稍迟。) th7 June 2011 Applicants should have replied to any offers made by the universities and colleges. 2011年6月7日 取录与否,申请者应该已向学府作出回应。 30 June 2011 Applications received after this date will be held for Clearing. 2010年6月30日 此日期后收到的申请将拨作统一处理。 th 6 July 2011 Last date for applicants to refer themselves through Extra. 2011年7月6日 申请者提出另作选择的最后限期。


Below is a list of words and phrases commonly used by UCAS, together with a summary of their meanings.


Key Term Definition 主要词汇 解析

A nine-digit individual number assigned to an applicant Application number

who has completed a UCAS application; it is printed on

every letter we send and is displayed in the format 01-申请编号

234567-8. Applicants will be asked to provide this number if they contact our Customer Service Unit.

提交了UCAS申请的每一个学生都会获配一个九位数字的编号, 形式如01-234567-8, 这个编号在UCAS 发出的信里都会附上。申请者在联系UCAS 顾客服务组的时候都要提供这个编号。

The online application system for applying for higher Apply

education courses


这是申请就读高等教育课程的网上申请系统。 A system used towards the end of the academic cycle, Clearing

which enables an applicant who has not yet secured a

place to apply for course vacancies. 统一处理

在学年接近结束的时候,“统一处理” 可以让那些还未找到学位的学生申请仍然有空缺的学府。

An offer made to an applicant by a university or college, Conditional offer

whereby the applicant must fulfil certain criteria before

they can be accepted on the relevant course. 有条件取录

大学或学院提出条件, 在学生达到该等要求情况下,录取该学生修读课程。

When conditional offers that have been accepted by an Confirmation

applicant become unconditional or are declined.

Confirmation is dependent on an applicant's 确认

qualification/exam results.


Holding an offer until the following year. Deferral

推延 录取与否推延到明年决定


Entry profiles




Firm offer




Insurance offer


Comprehensive information about individual courses and institutions, including statistics and entry requirements.

课程及学院资料,包括统计数字和入学要求。 The opportunity to apply for another course if an

applicant has used all five choices and has not secured a place.


The offer that the applicant has accepted as their first choice.


A university or college offering higher education courses.


The offer that the applicant has accepted as their second choice, in case they do not meet the requirements for their firm offer.


A 10-digit individual number assigned to an applicant when they register on Apply. The number is displayed in the format 123-456-7890.


The applicant's year of entry to the course, for example, 2 refers to the second year of the course.


The application system used for all UCAS applications except for Route B art and design courses (see below).


A sequential application system for specific art and design courses, where applicants can choose up to three courses and the order in which they are sent to their chosen institutions.

Personal ID number


Point of entry


Route A

A 途径

Route B





Unconditional offer



申请失败 Withdrawal


申请专科美术及设计课程的连串程序。 申请者可以选择达三个课程, 并决定发送到指定学府的先后次序。

A system where applicants can track the progress of their application online, reply to any offers received, and make certain amendments, for example, change of address or email.

学生可以在网上追查申请的进展, 沟通有关取录情况,修改个人资料例如住址或电邮地址。

An offer given to an applicant by a university or college, whereby the applicant has satisfied the criteria and can attend the course.


The applicant has not been accepted by the university or college concerned.


Either an applicant or university/college cancels a choice before a decision has been made - a reason will be included if the withdrawal was issued by an institution.

申请者或大学/学院在有决定之前终止申请 – 学院会就终止申请作出解析。

